Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Here We Go!

WOW! I can't believe that I'm finally joining the blogging world! I never thought that I would ever be doing this, and to be honest, I never had much interest in doing it either. But thanks to my good friends Sarah, Heidi, and Monica, I've been inspired to start journaling my day to day activities, of my family, and my thoughts. etc. When I told my husband about it, he smiled and asked "do you actually have enough interesting things happening to you to blog about?" I immediately laughed and said, "NO!" but here I am, doing it anyways LOL! I wish I had started this much sooner, like when I was pregnant with the twins, so I could have documented every step and milestone as it happened...I guess I'll have to do all that through digital scrapbooking (my all time obession!!). Oh, I must warn you now, I tend to ramble and skip back and forth in my thoughts, I apologize in advance if I get you confused!

You might wonder why the title of my blog is called "Grovers and Cookie in the 'Burg" (maybe you haven't wondered, but I'm gonna tell ya anyways LOL). When I found out I was pregnant for the first time, my husband and I were talking about what we would call the baby. I jokingly said "Grover," and that SOMEHOW stuck. Then 4 weeks later, when we found out we were having twins, the babies became "The Grovers". So, when I was pregnant the second time, hubby wanted to name the new baby in a similar fashion....hence Cookie Monster came to be ("Cookie" for short). So, in a nutshell, I have 3 wonderful children (who drive me crazy at times), Cora, Sam, and Maddy. And sometimes I can argue that I have a 4th child, my hubby Jeff =) but I love him, so I guess I'll have to keep him!

I'm hoping that I have the self-discipline to continue to journal, if not daily, then weekly. And since I'm really new at this, and have no clue in what I'm doing, I'll have to fiddle around with the settings and layout, so the look will change soon (hopefully)! Well *phew*, my all time first blogging post done...that wasn't so hard to do!! =)


Monica said...

Congrats on your first's your first comment! I wish I could think of something profound, but EA is up from napping and my brain is fried today!

I love the header...VERY CUTE!

Bonnie said...

Yeah, another Blogger. I love reading heidi's and sarah's so much, that I promised myself I would keep up on my own.

Yours looks great!

Sarah K - Sentiments by Sarah said...

Janete - congrats! The header is beautiful and your first post is funny and well - I love it! Remember blogging is for yourself and if others read it, well then thats just a bonus, but its a great place to get it all out.

I added you to our blog roll BTW.