Monday, July 21, 2008

Busy Weekend

This past weekend was pretty busy! At least it was for me, =), since I usually don't do that much. On Saturday, my Moms' Meet-up group had a moms' brunch out!! So Jeff stayed home with the kids while I went out and had a great time talking with some other moms and eating a delicious lunch at the bakery/cafe that we went to. You ever been in the situation where you'd LOVE to eat more food/dessert, but end up not b/c you don't want to look like a complete pig in front of other people?? Well, i sure do! HAHHAHA! But I had a wonderful 2 hours away from home where I had a great time talking with other WOMEN!!!

The rest of the day was spent cleaning the house, and yard work for jeff (hmmm, that somehow reminds me that I have to make a trip to COSTCO for some diapers, don't ask me why that just popped into my head!). I was getting the house ready b/c we were actually having friends over on Sunday night for dinner.

On Sunday, we spent a good portion of the time RE-cleaning all the areas that the kids tore up again. I cooked honey mustard dill chicken (SOOOO yummy), rice, garlic bread and salad, pretty simple dinner, and she brought over a dessert. It was such a fun night! they have 4 1/2 month old identical boy twins (that's how I met her in the frist place, at our monthly twin moms get together). It's always nice to talk with other twin parents and share stories and laughs. It was also nice that we were able to answer a lot of questions and give some advice to them, since our twins are 3 now and we've already gone through so many of the same things that they are going through now. M and T are such easy and fun to talk to people, and Sam & Cora really took to them (of course Cora had to warm up since she has stranger shyness). Oh, I have a funny story to share from this evening!! We have a pack n play already set up in our living room, so I told my friend M that she didn't have to bring hers, so the boys could be put down to sleep. Well, that night, they swaddled the boys and put them down to sleep after dinner. Later on, I went in the living room to change Maddy's diaper and just happened to glance over the pack n play and jumped back and almost screamed!!! I totally forgot that the boys where in there!! They looked like dolls (with their bald heads). I was so expecting to see toys in there (since that's the only thing that we put in it), and it freaked me out when I just saw two "doll babies". The first thing I thought was "who the heck put those in there?" LOL ahahhaha, I'm a dumb dumb sometimes!! That was our weekend in a nutshell.

1 comment:

Monica said...

What a fun weekend!!! I'm glad you were able to get out with some other women on Saturday!